Thoughts and tips on growing up gracefully.

The Domestic Goddess- Becoming the Heart of Your Home

I may never be a stay-at-home mom, and I’m not even sad about it.  There.  I said it.  If that fact disqualifies me to be a domestic goddess in your mind, then for goodness sake, look elsewhere for homemaking tips and tricks.  If you’re not about to have a hernia over my rebelliousness, read on!! 🙂

A woman is the heart of her home.  We’ve played at visualization before, so you’re familiar with my method of closing my eyes and “seeing” the woman I want to be.  I’ve asked you to try it with me several times.  Do you want to know what I “see”?

I see myself with medium-length hair, pulled softly somehow from my face. I see myself sitting on the clean, living room floor with a baby, playing in a spot of sunshine.  Jason comes home, and I look up into his eyes. I’m happy.  I’m calm.  I’m complete.

There are parts of that picture that I’m not in control of bringing about right now, but the rest is all up to me.  In short, my ideal life is very much within my power to obtain.

And so is yours. I would be willing to bet a lot that no matter how you visualized your ideal self in your ideal situation, you didn’t see yourself surrounded by filth and darkness.  Nor is it likely you pictured yourself in a setting of fabulous wealth (unless that’s your driving goal for some reason). No, it’s far more probable that your image was akin to mine:  you have a fresh, happy appearance and a clean, lovely home, bathed in sunshine (or the soft glow of a lamp, perhaps?), and you are basking in a spirit of peace and comfort.  Can you make your ideal a reality?  Of course you can.  Will you?

If you really want to embrace your role as a homemaker, I believe a practical approach is best. There are some basic qualities of a domestic goddess that are essential:  the ability to put a nutritious meal on the table, the ability to keep a home clean, organized, and clear of clutter, and the dedication to invite a spirit of peace and love into the home every day.  I honestly believe that if you can achieve these three things, you are ENOUGH.  Sure, you can take up baking, or labeling things in your cupboards, or dreamcatcher weaving if that’s your thing, and you’ll be a better person for it! But even without those extras, a safe, loving home IS enough.

Check out the “Domestic Goddess” sub-category under the “Feminine Ideal” menu link for homemaking tips and tricks. 🙂

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